What to look for in a sports agent?

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what to look for in a sports agent

What to look for in a sports agent?

By now, and after reading our blog post about ‘How to find a sports agent?’ you probably have a list of qualified agents that, after your research, seem reliable. You might even have reached out to them already. Now it’s a matter of waiting to see who will reach back out, and is interested in having a call with you and getting to know you better. There are a couple of things you should be paying attention to during your conversation(s) with agents. Below you can find helpful information so that you know what to look for in a sports agent.


Always make sure to choose a qualified agent. Even though the agent is included in the intermediaries list, you can still ask about their education and professional experience. You can also ask them about former clients who got successful contracts through the agent. An agent must apply and pay fees to be registered, have a bachelor’s or graduate degree, and undergo a background check. 

A professional demeanor and appearance

Does the agent look and behaves professionally? Do you feel they are honest, trustworthy, and someone that believes in you as an athlete and person? Also, pay attention to the reputation of the agent.


A good agent has the right connections in the sports industry. They maintain great and honest relationships with sporting directors, coaches, managers, and scouts. The more reliable the connections, the better. Usually agents work with scouts who have been watching talented players since middle school. The scouts have detailed reports on players and know exactly which athletes have what it takes to make it to the pro’s.


What distinguishes the bad from the good agents are their skillsets. An agent needs to have top-notch communication and networking skills. They need these skills to successfully negotiate contracts for their clients. Besides, they need to be honest, patient, determined and driven. An agent needs to understand the basics of contract law and legal documentation. Speaking several languages can also be very helpful.

Ask about contracts

When talking to an agent, ask to see contracts for athletes that they are representing. You want to review the contract wording and payment method. Someone may black out personal information like name and salary amount. It is important that an agent negotiates a high salary amount for you, however, it’s just as important that he can negotiate fair terms to a contract.

Don’t just look at percentages

Never think you should always choose an agent that offers a lower percentage of the contract price. You might be saving money, you also need to take into consideration that you could be losing out on a big amount of money. Charging a low fee is only beneficial to you if it’s about negotiating a high amount. If the agent doesn’t have great negotiation skills, you could actually be losing money.

In case you are still in school…

Don’t sign with an agent while in high school, as it could make you ineligible to play in college in some cases. Also, in most states, agents need to be registered to negotiate contracts or endorsement deals for student-athletes who are planning on going pro. 

More than negotiating contracts

The main role of an agent is to find employment opportunities to help their client earn income and advance their professional career. Everything from preparing for the draft, finding a team, negotiating playing contracts, signing bonuses, base salary, roster bonuses and other incentives. Also, they will help their clients with appearances, sponsors, endorsements, and provide referrals for other professional services such as financial planning, legal advice branding and marketing. But agents do so much more than just getting their client the right deals.


An agent should meet the clients needs as an athlete, but also as a person off the field. He provides career guidance to help his clients set goals to accomplish on and off the field. So besides contracts and endorsement deals, you might want to find an agent who can provide an ear to you and your family when you need it. This means that an agent is also there as a confidant to their clients. The sports industry is intense, stressful, and can put a lot of pressure on athletes. There are just not many people they can turn to. An agent is there as an outlet for them. A safe and judgment free zone where they can vent and receive advice. Agents are bound by their fiduciary duty to do what’s best and offer the advice that they think is best for their client.

It needs to be someone you can fully trust and rely on. Do you feel you have a connection with the agent? Does he sincerely care for you, and your family? Is he able to help you with everything you need help with? It’s also very important for agents to ensure their athletes’ legal and fiscal representation, and well-being. You might want to find an agent who can help you with taxes or knows someone that can.


Besides, how about the agent’s availability? Some agents are extremely busy and just not always accessible. Make sure to choose one who is always, or almost always, available and responds with a can-do attitude. Someone with experience but also the time to take on new clients. Larger agencies don’t give all of their clients the same amount of attention nor resources so, finding an agent and company that is going to make and keep you a priority is important. 

Agents are complete representatives

Truly great agents are complete representatives of their client’s goals, needs, and rights. They take the time to get to know their clients on a personal level, talk about the clients’ financial needs for both the short and long term, and help them make a plan that balances family with their personal and athletic goals. That being said, agents allow their clients to focus on their performance, while they take care of financial matters, logicitics, and stand up for their clients wishes.

What to look for in a sports agent?

what makes a great sports agent

  • Honesty
  • Education
  • Communication Skills
  • Passion
  • Experience
  • Availability
  • Connections
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