How can I stand out as an athlete?

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stand out as an athlete

Stand out as an athlete

Elite student-athletes often show unique characteristics that help them to be successful in their sport and in school. While most of these traits are innate, athletes also develop certain characteristics through their experiences, education, and opportunities. Have you ever asked yourself, “how can I stand out as an athlete?.” Well if you have then you aren luck because that is exactly what this blog discusses. Read on to learn more.

Standout athletes are often described by their physical and athletic abilities. They are certainly gifted sportspeople, however, there are more ways an athlete can stand out to their coaches that have little to do with statistics and athletic skills. These acts or behaviors play an important role in building a respectful and successful environment, and don’t require any talent. Coaches don’t only look for talented athletes; they also focus on the ones that are dedicated to the game, passionate, and show a professional demeanor.

Now, how can you make sure that the time you are spending on the field, in the gym, and in the classroom are paying off?

Manage your time

Student-athletes typically have packed schedules and heavy workloads. To be a great student-athlete, preparation and planning is crucial. Your academic commitments should be in-sync with your athletic career. If you have difficulties juggling academics and elite sports, don’t be afraid to communicate with, or ask help from, coaches and teachers. When planning your schoolwork and athletic activities, don’t forget to also account for personal and social time.

stand out as an athlete

Self-confidence and self-discipline

The best athletes are self-confident and strongly believe they will win. They are not afraid to speak up for themselves (and others) and they are ready to deal with unexpected situations. Besides, they are aware that success does not happen overnight. They are self-disciplined and put in the necessary training sessions. Furthermore, they sacrifice family time and social events for more training, and keep working through exhaustion. Self-discipline also means maintaining a healthy diet. Make sure that, in your everyday interactions with classmates, teammates, teachers, and coaches, you always strive to be the hardest worker in the room. By always being one of the hardest workers you will clearly stand out as an athlete.

Accept criticism and stay resilient

If you are not willing to accept (constructive) criticism, you will never improve. Remember that it’s important to be and stay coachable, and to learn from failure and mistakes. Also, stay open to feedback from teammates and always respect officials. Learn to use losses or low grades to improve yourself. Instead of getting caught up by failure, use experiences as ways to make you a better student or athlete. Ask help from teachers and coaches to understand what you can work on to improve yourself. There are going to be times that you will be challenged by a tough loss or a bad grade. It’s part of being a student-athlete. But if you want to be successful, you need to stay resilient. That means staying positive after a loss, and using experiences to learn. You need to stay committed and determined to deal with adversity.

Be competitive

Successful athletes love winning, and they tend to be competitive in areas outside of their sport too. Being competitive means having a winning mindset and always striving to be better. It’s not always necessarily about winning against others; it can simply mean competing against yourself, to achieve the outcomes you want, or to get better at what you do. Use being competitive to become your best version, and you will be more successful.

Be humble

The best athletes stay humble. When they fail, they accept it, and avoid making excuses. Elite athletes also credit their teammates and coaching when they are successful.

Stay calm under stress

Being an elite athlete can be very stressful; the pressure to perform, to juggle academic and athletic excellence, and the stress of losing a game or getting injured. The greatest athletes stay cool-headed and can still perform under stressful conditions.

Network and maintain relationships

Work on excellent communication skills with teachers, coaches, classmates, teammates, and other key people in your life. Network, work hard, and show that you are determined to excel in your academic and athletic career. Be respectful when you interact with others. The relationships that you build can get you farther in life, as they can provide you important advice, references, and other connections.

Also, don’t be afraid to reach out to coaches that are at the top of your college list. Be professional in your communications and emphasize your educational and athletic achievements. Send your highlight videos and keep them updated of your performances.

Say ‘Thank you’

Yes, you get all the credit for your achievements, as you deserve! But let’s not forget about the people behind the scenes that have helped you to get this far. Be grateful and thank everyone that has helped you along the way. This could be a coach, your parents, or a dear friend. When others know that you are grateful and appreciate their efforts, they will be more likely to help you again in the future.

Stay ready and in shape

Rest is very important, especially during winter or summer break, but make sure to stay into the grind. Keep yourself in shape so you will be ready when the season starts, or when an unexpected opportunity arises. Show your work ethic through the time you spend working on your craft. ‘Stay ready, so you don’t need to get ready’. Consider using the latest technology to stay ahead of the competition and stand out as an athlete. For soccer players check out the Best Soccer Training Apps.

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Keep improving and stay motivated

Improvement should be your focus, not only the field, but also in the classroom. As you know, academic success is essential for your future as a college recruit. Study and put into the work to attain an excellent GPA. Work on your fundamental skills, and stay determined in focusing on your goals. Elite athletes are motivated by the desire to be better than their opponents.

Be a leader and a great teammate

If you are not a born leader, make sure you learn to be one. Communicate in a positive manner with your teammates, and motivate them to improve themselves. Lead by example and be vocal.  Even if you’re not the captain of your team, having leadership traits is still important. An athlete with leadership skills often takes the initiative to make quick decisions in the heat of the moment.

Leaders know how to control their emotions, and stay positive even when things are not going right. Sometimes it’s just not that easy to be a great teammate. Sure, when you are winning each game, it’s easy to stay motivated and positive. But what do you do when things don’t go your way? Think about it for a second: you are not having the best game, but your teammate is performing very well. Do you choose to complain about your own performance, or do you choose to congratulate your teammate?

Another scenario: your teammate made a crucial mistake that led to a loss. How do you react? Are you going to be frustrated and criticize them, or are you going to emotionally support them? Your coach put you on the bench. Are you going to be depressed about it, or do you choose to cheer on your teammates? Having talent is essential, but coaches want to see athletes who also support their teammates. Character goes beyond sport and into everyday life.

Clean up after yourself

Empty water bottles after a practice or game, trash on the bench; show respect for those who will come after you and clean up your (and your teammates’) mess. If you don’t care about cleaning up the mess that you and/or your team made, you will never be a real champion. Cleaning up after yourself shows you are grateful, humble, and disciplined.


Take the time to research schools that seem like a great fit for your athletic and academic abilities. Research the price, scholarships, and other key information. Understand what is needed to get to your dream colleges.

stand out as an athlete

Be positive at all times

We all want to be around positive people. Negativity can do a lot of harm and may ruin a team. You will not be able to play at your best each and every game, but one thing you can control in your game and everyday life, is having a positive, can-do attitude. Be the athlete who creates a positive environment, and stay positive even after a loss. Focus on the positive experience you can take from adversities. Being the most positive person in the room makes a big difference. If you lack an optimistic attitude, you are unlikely to fully excel. You must believe that you will win, and remain optimistic even when facing challenging situations. 


If you are passionate about your sport, you are more likely to be successful. This is the number-one quality an athlete can have. You have to want it with every piece of your body. Elite athletes show countless traits that make them excel. Many of these traits are innate, but can be developed and nurtured through education, in competition, in school, and in athletic training programs.

Stand out as an athlete

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